Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dia setenta e nove (day 79)

Well friends...Ava and I only have 4 days left in our lecture phase here at YWAM! We will be coming home to NC for a week during Christmas...and then we will head back up to TN to begin our outreach phase.  We actually will start off the outreach by going down to "IHOP" in Kansas City.  We are going to help out there for a few days during their "One Thing" conference.  I am SO VERY excited!  Especially since we have a great friend who works there with IHOP (International House of Prayer). 

Our plane for Brazil will leave on January 6th.  Our team of 14 has been eagerly praying and searching God's heart for what He wills us to do in Brazil.  So far, I know that we will be going to Sao Paulo and Bel Horizonte.  We are hoping to go to Rio, but don't have a mission or church to help there yet.  So please be praying for that.  Also, please be praying for Ava and I.  Ava's passport is actually lost in the mail.  We have been trying to locate it now for a week, and have been unsuccessful.  I KNOW that God is loving and faithful, and will find it.  God has been so generous to me, and has had so much grace with me these past months.  He is never changing, and loves us so much!  I am using this experience to strengthen and build my faith in Jesus, and His great power and love. 
Ava and I also still need $3,665 to get to Brazil.  Please keep praying for us, and please keep praying about how you can support us financially.  When we are generous to the body of Christ, God is generous to us.  I have heard so many accounts of how God provides for His people...and I know that when God tells us to do something....He will provide the money.  "It's never about money...it's about obeying God's will." -Paul Hawkins   (our teacher this week). Paul has been in YWAM for 40 years, and is an unbelievably inspiring man.   He also encourages me when he says "You do the possible...and God will do the impossible!" 

I also want to give you all a heads up on something that God has laid on my heart to pray about.  When I was in Florida for the YWAM anniversary, Darlene Cunningham spoke briefly about "The Learning Center" in Kona, Hawaii.  She didn't say much about it, but I felt I should write down the email, and find out more about it.  I did email the woman in Kona, and have been in contact with her over the past few weeks.  "The Learning Center" is a new 1st through 12th grade school which will eventually be a model school to train teachers who will be going out to teach in other nations.  They are a brand new ministry, that I am praying about joining this summer.  I would be teaching the third grade in the school.  It would be a full time missionary position, and I would be raising full time support.  This project is exactly what has been on my heart since I began teaching.  It is a way to influence the education system by creating a new teaching environment in America.  The school wants to create new curriculum to promote, as well as launch ideas such as teaching missionary children via video conferencing.  The YWAM base in Kona has been producing revolutionary ideas in all realms of society, and I think it would be a fantastic place to be able to influence the world of education. 

Please be praying for me and Ava as God launches us out into His will for our lives.  It is an exciting time to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I love you all so much!

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