Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 69!

Oi! (That's Hello is Portuguese)

Okay, I know it has been 19 days since I last wrote to you...but I know you will forgive me!
This era in time has almost come to an end...can you believe it?  We only have two weeks left in our lecture phase of DTS here at YWAM!  It really seems like yesterday that Ava and I were packing up to come here!  The past 3 weeks have been packed full of fun, learning, and a journey to know my Jesus like I never thought possible. 

My beautiful sister came to visit the week before Thanksgiving, and we had a spectacular time soaking in each others' presence!  :) I'm really going to miss her...we won't see her again until we get back from Brazil!  I really wouldn't be here if it weren't for her persistence in pushing me towards the me she always knew I was. 

I'm going to try to sum up the past 3 weeks in a few short paragraphs...

The week we got back from Florida, Ken Helser was our teacher.  A lot of you know Ken, and his incredible I don't have to tell you what an intense week this was.  He taught on worship... well that was what he was assigned to, but we quickly learned that he really just teaches on whatever he wants to!  He is the funniest, most generous, and wise people I will ever get the pleasure of meeting.  I really hope to visit "The Farm" soon after I return to NC.  This week God challenged me in my obedience and persistence in pursuing Him.  How much do I REALLY want to see God's face?  How far will I go in my obedience to His voice?  I have found that there really is nothing greater than being near to Jesus....really near Him, to the point that whenever I want to see Him, I just ask, and He comes and whispers His radiant knowledge and secrets to me.  This relationship I have found is like nothing I have ever experienced...and the best part is that you can have it too!

The next week we focused on how to let more people know about God's great romance He wants to share, and we went out on the town with Jimmy Turner and Ben Naider.  They work in one of the local churches in Clarksville.  I personally grew in my faith to talk to strangers, and tell them how God really feels about them.  I absolutely LOVE meeting new people and giving them a personal message from Jesus.  It is the best adrenaline rush! :)

This past week we dove deeper in to the idea of the Kingdom of God, and how to seek it out and reveal it here on earth.  I had a major epiphany about what "seeking first the Kingdom of God" really means.  There is a great video on youtube that gave me insight to what it is like.  You will probably like is the web address:

I hope that you all are doing so wonderful!  I hope to see some of you soon, when we come back to NC for Christmas.  I have so much more to share with you, and I promise I will log back on soon! 
Love you friends,

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