Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kona Day 49

Well, I have been so busy gallivanting around the Island with my sister, that I have barely had time to update you all! I has been such a wonderful month, being able to spend time with her. She took us camping at the volcano, drove us around the entire island, gave us an early Christmas present of a snorkeling cruise on a catamaran, took us on an art gallery walk, saw the Kona Coffee Festival parade, saw the new Twilight movie!....and so much more! It has been such an eventful month! The best though was being able to hang out with her. I sure miss her already!

Even though we love it here so much, and the school I teach at is incredible, and Ava's preschool is better than any I could have prayed for, and the weather is beautiful, we are still missing our North Carolina Fall and Winter! I have always loved cozy fireplaces (well I am the fire-master), hot coffee (in cold weather), and freezing sleet...(well maybe not). The Christmas lights Ava and I decorated with tonight and the Sufjan Stevens Christmas album is helping some....but be sure to enjoy the season for us!

My parents are actually coming to visit in three weeks! I am very excited, and can't wait to show them around. Which is now possible, thanks to my sister!
As the students in my school sing in the Christmas show they are practicing...."Christmas is gonna be different this year! Very very different!"

I love you all so much, and am so thankful for your continued prayers and support. We are still in need of monthly partners. We need about 200 more dollars in support a month. Please be praying that we will have the faith to trust God for the finances we need, and also I want to ask you all to prayerfully consider partnering with us financially. I know firsthand that God blesses us when we step out in faith and do something that we don't think we can do.
You are all such a blessing to us!

Well, on the first of December, here I am saying Merry Early Christmas!

Love & Blessings

Friday, November 4, 2011


I am beyond blessed to have this young lady in my class. I had actually heard her story long before I heard of The Learning Center. Many of you might have already heard of her as well. Her family are political refugees here from Brazil. They had to move because they were being persecuted for trying to fight for human rights of the native Indians that live in the amazon. Hakani was born into the Suruwaha tribe in the amazon. In her tribe, the witch doctors often decide which babies will be buried alive. The people of the tribe obey the witch doctors, because they are the religious leaders. It is a horrendous, and inhumane ritual that has been going on for a long time. However, Hakani's birth parents refused, and killed themselves instead. Her brother was then ordered to bury her. As he was putting her into the hole, he realized he could not do it either. So, her uncle shot her with an arrow. Her uncle then killed himself as well. Hakani's brother rescued her from the hole, and secretly kept her alive. He brought her food, but she was forced to live in the woods alone. When she was five years old, her brother brought her to a missionary couple who are now her adoptive parents. In Brazil, they cared for her and made her their own daughter. When they began to fight for her as well as other Amazon Indians' rights, it created a political uproar, and they came to YWAM Kona.
Her full story has been documented in film and literature. They are still currently raising support and awareness for human rights of Brazilian Indians.

Hakani is one of the most amazing children I have ever met. Although she is sixteen, and learning on a third grade level, her intelligence advances at a rapid pace. Considering that she wasn't nurtured and loved until she was five years old! She is always in a good mood, always positive, and always encouraging to everyone. She tells me every day what a "pretty girl" I am, and how she "loves me more" when I tell her I love her.

I can't believe that one of the very first students I get to teach here, has already begun to change the world with her life!

I encourage you to look up her story, and pray for her family. They need your support and prayers to accomplish their hope and vision. Also, be praying for me as I pour into her life. That I would be able to hear from God what she needs.

Love you all! I hope you enjoyed reading about Hakani!