Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 20

Hola friends!
I hope this post finds you all doing wonderfully!  I just had a skype chat with my I am doing wonderfully too.  I hope you don't feel abandoned by me.  I have been swamped with homework this week.  We made it back to the YWAM base in Adams on Wednesday, and we all have been busily writing, printing, stuffing and stamping our very first newsletter.  In addition, we have a big Bible project due on Monday.  Thankfully I am almost done, and you should all be recieving your newsletters sometime in the next week! 
This morning a few of us students got up early to do some fundraising.  Somehow all the younger than me students put me in I rounded everyone up early and we set off to rake some leaves for donations.  We drove for miles, and what felt like hours...but we only found a handful of yards with enough leaves in it to merit us asking if we could rake them!  Most of the people were uber friendly, and it made the excursion delightful.  The weather was gorgeous, and we were all in great spirits!  We stopped midway to make egg salad sandwiches in the parking lot of an empty church...still not having raked any yards.  Just before our giving up point, we found success!  A very large yard with two elderly ladies said "Of course! We always need help raking leaves!"  Without expecting any payment, we got to work.  One hour, a pick up truck filled to the brim with bags of leaves, and thirty dollars later...we headed home.  The boys all rode on top of the bags of leaves in the pick up of course!  It was my most favorite Saturday morning in Adams yet! 
Tomorrow we are trying a different church...the Vinyard in Clarksville.  Please be praying that we find a church that we fit into while we are here...I really don't want to be a church hopper for the next 9 weeks! 
Love and Blessings,

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