Monday, January 31, 2011

Brazil Day 26

Oi, minha Amigas e Amigos!
Eu amar voces!
I am loving you can see!  I love the people and the culture so much.  The family I am with, and even some people I have met at church....are convinced that I am actually Brazilian...despite my skin color!  For the past week we have been staying with our translator Ana, and she and her family are now my family.  They have been such a blessing to me...praying for me, and teaching me Portugese.  We have been helping anas church a lot.  We have been to their homeless ministry service, and their youth group.  We also have been to a school for mentally handicapped children, and spent the day with them.  It was such a blast!  If you have ever spent time with those know how loving and joyous they are.  We have also spent a lot of time at the local parks....making friends with some of the locals.  It is so great when I meet someone, and speak truth into their life...and then get to see them again here!  There is one guy who works at a street vendor beside the subway we use a lot.  One day God gave me a word for him, which I wrote down and had translated, and then gave to him.  His name is Lucas...and now everytime we pass by the subway vendors, I get to see him!  He smiles very big each time I see him, and I know that God is working in his heart. 
Please keep praying for me to have boldness to pray for the Brazilian people.  I love them so much, and God has built a very strong compassion for them in my heart.  It is still dificult to talk to strangers that dont speak the same langauge though! 
Also pray that I continue to learn the language quickly.
While I am embracing the culture fully....I  am not sure if my whole team is.  So please pray for my team, that they will not go into culture shock.
Pray for unity for our team and pray that we will be able to clearly hear Gods voice as He directs us in His will for the remainder of our time here.
I love you all so much!
Look on my Facebook for pics!

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