Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day Four!

Tonight we watched a video entitled, "How Great is our God".  It was a speaker who talked about how small we are in comparison to the stars that God created.  He calls God the "Star-Breather", which I think is a fitting name for Him.  The speaker, Louie Giglio, shows images of the largest star in our universe, Canis Majoris, and compares Earth to a golf ball....Canis Majoris would then be the length of two Golden Gate Bridges.  It is a pretty astonishing thought that God created these vast creations.  God is so big...what can even matter in our tiny lives? But that is just it...we do matter!  We actually don't just matter...but God is chasing after us to be near us!  He loves us more than the magnificent stars He breathed out. 
Louie then goes on to talk about how we are formed in the womb, and how tiny our DNA is....which if you have had children you know even more what a miracle this event is!   Louie talks of the skin covering the eyes of a baby in the womb, and how a tiny "cutter" then slices through the skin to create our eyelids.  What a unique thought!  The left hook...the clincher....the happily ever after of the story is that God created a protein molecule in our body that is the "glue", hoplding all of our membranes together, in the shape of a cross! 
God is definitely great! 

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