Monday, April 4, 2011

Our journey to Kona, Hawaii....

Well friends, it is finally official...Ava and I will be moving to Kona, Hawaii this July to be on staff with Youth With A Mission.  Both of us are very excited!  I will be teaching third grade in the Learning Center which is the elementary school for the kids of the staff at Kona.  Ava will be attending the preschool on the base.  The Learning Center is fairly new, but they have a huge vision of impacting and changing the American education system.  This is exactly what God has placed in my heart to do as well.  I believe so strongly that the only way we will permanently change the future, is to permanently change our kids, and the children in this upcoming generation.  If we want the future to be different, we have to make the leaders of the future different.  What better place to do that than teaching in elementary schools?  After hearing about this schools goals, I know that this is the perfect place to learn and grow in my vision to change education.  I will be free to think creatively about how to influence children, and how to bring them directly into the Kingdom of God.  I will be ushering these children into the presence of God, and helping them to learn their true identity in Jesus.  I will also get the chance to train other teachers how to do this. 
There are so many incredible ways that this opportunity is perfect for Ava and I.  I feel that God is directing us and launching me and Ava into our exciting futures.  God has the perfect plan, and has equipped us for such a time as this.  I am so honored that God would choose us to be able to work for His Kingdom in this way.
We plan on moving to Kona this upcoming July.  The school will begin in August.  However, we need monthly supporters in prayer and financial partners to help us in this mission.  I am asking all of you to search for God's voice and listen to whether He would have you partner with us.  We cannot bring God's Kingdom here on earth if we do not lift each other up and support each other in every way.  We are the body, and each member has specific purpose.
I love you all so much, and I can't wait to tell you more about Hawaii!
Please email me if you would like to support us monthly in any way!
Brooke and Ava


Doe said...

woooooowwww, brooke, this is so awesome! i am so excited for you and for this opportunity! i look forward to reading your blogs about it and will be praying for you and ava! :)

Emily said...

Sounds great! It's great to see that God is answering the prayer to change the educational system, teaching kids with a Biblical worldview! I'm glad to hear your DTS time went so well. I will be at SGCC May 29th. Will you still be around? I'd love to say hey!