Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Weeks to go!!!!

Hi friends and supporters!
I hope you all had a wonderful week. I am becoming very aware that I won't see some of you for a very long time! It makes me sad, and so I am trying to come visit as many people as I can before we go. If I haven't come to your house, and you want me too...let me know! I'll be there...well if you live within reasonably driving distance that is!
My sister is going up to New York next week, and I am debating about whether to go with her or not.
Yesterday I happened to come across the blog of the first grade teacher who is currently teaching at the Learning Center in Hawaii. I absolutely loved reading about her journey to the school, and reading about what the kids there are like. It encouraged me soooo much!
I also made a super cool event page on Facebook that I hope will get the word out about what we are doing.
AND....I set up a Chick Fil A Spirit night fundraiser for June 7th to raise money! I am super excited about it, and if you live in the Asheville area...PLEASE come out! I'll put the event on Facebook as well.
So I had a busy day yesterday!
As far as my support raising goes, I have $100 a month pledged right just $1100 a month more to go!
I am doing the possible, and I KNOW God can do the impossible!
Love you all!

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