Saturday, October 2, 2010

Days Five and Six

I definitely know that I know that I know I was meant to come to this DTS!  Friday afternoon we shared our testimonies in our small groups...which consists of me, four other young girls from my DTS class, Annie (who keeps Ava) and our leader Emily (A YWAM staffer who is in her mid 20's).  It was the coolest experience!  A lot of the girls are going through similar things that I have been through in my life, and are really looking forward to learning from me.  However, I was so humbled by what the young girls shared with me.  They are very respectful towards me, and treat me like I have wisdom!  That in itself is humbling!  I am learning about compassion and passionate love towards God from them already.  Our small group leader is such a cool person too, and hears very well from the Lord, as well as seeing things in the Spirit.  I am so excited just to be around her!  I am going to go to her church tomorrow....Grace Center, which is in Franklin TN....just south of Nashville.  I will let you all know how it goes! 

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